Kristopher K. Greenwood & Associates
Salt Lake City – Ogden
Kristopher K. Greenwood & Associates

Salt Lake City – Ogden

We Fight To Win

Experienced Divorce and Family Law Attorneys Serving All of Utah

Protecting Your Grandchild

Divorce can be a tumultuous event for all parties involved, but no one bears the emotional burden more than children. While in many cases a judge will grant custody to one or both parents, there are also instances when a child’s best interest lies with his or her grandparents.

If you are a grandparent seeking visitation or custody, Kristopher K. Greenwood & Associates can provide the legal representation and assistance you need to protect your grandchild’s best interest and well-being. Our attorneys are known as passionate advocates, and they are dedicated to making sure that you are heard by the court.

Your Rights

Whether the parents are still in the process of divorcing or have already divorced, the Utah State Legislature gives you, as a grandparent, the right to file for child custody and visitation. However, you should understand that it can be extremely difficult to gain a court’s approval. Many judges assume that a child’s best interest lies with the mother or father, and grant custody accordingly. That said, there are several scenarios in which a court may decide that the child would be better nurtured by you.

What The Courts Look At

Courts consider myriad factors when assigning visitation rights and custody, including:

  • A parent’s lack of competency or fitness
  • The passing or absence of a parent
  • Previous care from you as the grandparent
  • Unreasonable limitations placed on you

Above all, a judge will consider where the child’s best interest lies when making a decision. We can sit down with you and make a plan that shows your concern is for your grandchild. This will include the gathering of supporting information, drafting of documents, and preparing you for any child custody evaluation as well as the court process.

Experienced And Success-Oriented

Our lawyers are not only experienced, but they are also success-oriented. Regardless of the family issue you are facing, we are dedicated to finding you the right solution. Call our office at (801) 475-8800 or fill out our online contact form to arrange a free initial consultation.