If You Or Your Ex Spouse Is Cohabiting Alimony May Be Terminated
Dating relationships often blossom and turn into cohabitation. Cohabitation is a very hot topic in Utah right now and can dramatically affect your alimony or spousal support order. Under Utah law, alimony may permanently terminate if it is demonstrated that the recipient is cohabiting with a new partner.
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If you are paying alimony to an ex-spouse and you believe they are cohabiting, the attorneys at Kristopher K. Greenwood & Associates, are ready to help. We will start by going over the law on cohabitation with you and explaining the elements necessary to win your case. We can help you get all the evidence in place before letting the cat out of the bag, so to speak. Critical sources of information may include:
- Presentation of the parties as a couple on social media
- Evidence the parties are traveling together
- Proof that they share expenses
- Maintenance of a joint household
- Attendance at family functions together
- Evidence the parties trade favors
- Evidence that they assist each other with daily activities
The Utah Supreme Court has outlined numerous factors, including these, which a skilled attorney at our firm will go over with you as we help you establish your case to terminate alimony.
If you happen to be the individual receiving alimony and are in the beginning stages of a serious relationship with a new partner, please be aware that your alimony payments may be in jeopardy if you live or travel together most of the time. It is critical that you understand the law on this issue, understand what qualifies as cohabitation and what does not, and get proper legal counsel from a skilled attorney. Awareness of the issues could end up saving you thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars in lost alimony. The following are just a few things to think about:
- Does your boyfriend or girlfriend stay overnight?
- Does your boyfriend or girlfriend have personal property items at your home?
- Do you share expenses?
- Do you travel together?
- Do you post photographs together on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter?
These and other activities could put your receipt of alimony payments at risk. It is essential that you get legal advice when a new significant other comes into your life. Learn how to avoid taking actions that could have a great impact on your financial stability when your divorce decree includes an order for alimony.
Take Action Now! Consult With An Experienced Lawyer.
All the issues described above are critical to determining cohabitation in your case. It is important to work closely with an experienced divorce and family law attorney to protect your right to terminate alimony payments — or your right to continue receiving alimony. Please call our main telephone number, (801) 475-8800, or complete our online contact form today to arrange a prompt consultation with one of our skilled attorneys regarding this or any family law matter.