- How Many Years of Alimony Can You Expect to Receive in the State of Utah?
- When Can You Stop Paying, Modify, or Cancel Child Support?
- Divorced parents and health care: What if we don’t agree?
- When Can You Stop Paying, Modify, or Cancel Child Support?
- What do you know about parenting plans for divorced life in Utah?
- Who repays student loan debt after a divorce?
- Can I keep the dog or cat after our divorce?
- What should we consider when creating a parenting plan?
- An introduction to Utah alimony law
- Utah Supreme Court discusses impact of infidelity on alimony award
- Should I let my spouse keep the house after our divorce?
- Create a vision of life after divorce
- When can alimony be modified in Utah?
- How to Create a Parenting Plan During a Divorce
- Utah alimony order may terminate if recipient cohabits with new partner
- Child support and taxes: FAQ
- Can I file for bankruptcy when getting divorced?
- How is child support enforced?
- Surprising assets to divide during divorce
- How are custody rights determined?
- Gray divorce rates continue to rise
- Tips for splitting retirement assets during divorce in Utah
- When a divorced Utah parent of a minor child wants to relocate
- The many uses of a QDRO in a divorce
- Considerations for divorcing Utah spouses with high net worth
- How divorced Utah fathers can win custody of their kids
- Same-sex Utah couples now have the right to divorce
- Helping children cope with divorce: What Utah parents should know
- How is child support calculated in Utah
- Some facts about divorce and finances
- Study: Men who are not working full time may be more at risk for divorce
- Can ex-spouses still work together?
- What happens to a family business in a Utah divorce?
- Why do I need a social media clause in a prenup?
- Why are prenups recommended for remarriages?
- Identifying the difference between marital and separate property
- 4 steps for parents to follow when breaking divorce news to children
- Separation of property and assets in a Utah divorce case
- Calculating child support in a Utah divorce case
- Securing needed alimony can be challenging for stay-at-home Utah parents
- New Utah bill could encourage more equal parenting time after divorce
- Recent case highlights difficulties for unmarried parents
- Utah DUI bill could make convictions easier at low BAC levels
- Utah considering bill to give immunity to those who report drug overdoses
- Will Utah lawmakers lower blood-alcohol driving limit to 0.05 percent?
- Utah lawmakers clarify role of fault in divorce alimony awards
- Tory Burch and ex-husband in legal battles over their profitable business
- What Are My Child Custody Rights in Utah?