Answering Common Questions About Child Support
At Kristopher K. Greenwood & Associates, we are here to address your legal concerns about child support in Utah. Read on to discover the answers to some of the more common questions we hear the most:
- Does joint legal custody affect my financial obligations? Child support laws indicate that, because both parents have the authority to make decisions on their children’s behalf, joint legal custody does not impact financial obligations. However, joint physical custody is a different issue. Child support is based on these factors: physical custody, parenting time and income. Call us today for one of our skilled attorneys to analyze your situation and run a child support worksheet for you.
- Can I modify child support payments? Once the court makes a decision, you are obligated to the amount ordered. There are certain scenarios, however, in which you may be eligible to reduce or terminate child support. These include:
- Changes to your child’s residence, custody and parenting time
- Illness or disability
- Loss of your job
- Permanent reduction in income
Our attorneys can help determine if you are eligible to make modifications to your child support order.
- Am I still obligated to pay if my ex keeps me from my children? Because custody and visitation are separate legal matters, unfortunately, you are still expected to pay the amount ordered. If your ex is keeping you from your children and you have custody or visitation privileges, we can petition the court to enforce those rights. Even when it seems unjust, failing to make your child support payments could put you at risk of facing serious penalties.
- What if my ex does not pay? Thanks to the Child Support Enforcement Act of 1984, you can seek legal help in collecting payments from an ex who does not honor his or her court order. We can file contempt charges, and the court may impose consequences such as garnishing wages, seizing property, withholding tax returns, revoking your ex’s driver’s license or jail time.
- What if my ex moves out of state? Because of the Uniform Interstate Family Support Act, court orders remain in effect regardless of a parent’s physical location. There are several measures available to ensure child support enforcement, even if your ex moves out of Utah and refuses to pay.
Here For You
For a free consultation, call us by phone at (801) 475-8800 or reach us online. We are dedicated to giving you efficient, knowledgeable and aggressive counsel.