Maximizing The Time You Have With Your Children
What Is A Parent-Time Evaluation?
A parent-time evaluation deals specifically with where children will spend their overnights. This is in contrast to a child custody evaluation, which focuses on additional issues such as where the children will attend school, holiday schedules, and decision-making regarding issues such as religious upbringing and medical decisions.
Don’t let the limited scope of parent-time evaluations lull you into believing they are not as important as a child custody evaluation. After all, the number of overnights is a crucial factor in how much time kids spend with their parents. There are also financial implications as overnights are used in Utah’s formula for calculating child support and alimony payments. Failure to take a parent-time evaluation seriously could literally result in your losing time with your children and losing a recurring chunk of your bank balance.
Get The Help You Need Today
Are you facing a parent-time evaluation in Utah? You and your child cannot afford for you to go it alone and take your chances. Contact us today online or by telephone at (801) 475-8800 to arrange a consultation with a knowledgeable family law attorney.