White Collar Crime – An Overview
Crimes that do not involve physical violence, and that relate largely to financial matters, are often called “white collar crimes.” White collar crimes involve most of the same legal principles as do other crimes, and people charged with white collar crimes have the same rights and protections as defendants accused of other crimes. On the other hand, white collar offenses are often very complex, and involve numerous complicated legal and factual issues. The possible penalties include fines, prison sentences, and criminal forfeiture. If you have been charged with a white collar crime, it is essential that you seek legal counsel from an experienced criminal defense attorney at once so that you can preserve your rights and protect your future.
Fraud is a very serious, and very broadly defined, criminal offense. Criminal fraud is a charge that can be brought against a business, as well as against an individual (a business cannot be put in prison, but can be hit with substantial fines). A charge of fraud-let alone a conviction-can wreak havoc with the reputation of a person or company charged. Zealous legal representation is critical in fraud cases, as in all criminal cases. It is critical for an accused to seek help from an experienced criminal defense attorney.
Insider Trading
Insider trading is an offense that has received a lot of attention in the media in recent years. The charge is a serious one, and can subject a person to both civil and criminal liability. It is critical for an accused to seek help from an experienced criminal defense attorney.
Penalties for White Collar Crime
The most frightening part of being a defendant in a white collar criminal case-or any criminal case-is the potential penalty involved. Most white collar defendants have no prior experience with the criminal justice system, and the question of what could happen looms understandably large in their minds. An experienced criminal defense attorney can give specific advice on the possible penalties in a particular case.
Civil Consequences of White Collar Crime
A prosecution for a white collar crime can lead to more than criminal penalties. Many white collar offenses may give rise to civil lawsuits, brought either by the federal or state government, or by the victims of the offense. Any civil liability imposed as a result of these suits is in addition to, and not a substitute for, the penalties imposed in the criminal case. An experienced white collar crime attorney can give specific advice on the possible civil liability in a particular case.
At Kristopher K Greenwood LC, we have a proven track record, experience, and we will aggressively pursue your defense. Our first priority is your well-being and ensuring you get every advantage available to you in pursuing a favorable judgment in your behalf. If you or someone you know has been charged with an alcohol related driving crime, ensure that you have the very best in legal representation by contacting the law office of KKG Kristopher K Greenwood, LC to assist you in your matter: (801) 475-8800.