Often, when accused in any type of scenario, individuals have an instinctual reaction to defend themselves. This instinct can especially come in handy when a person has been accused of DUI. While it may not be the best course of action to start talking at the time of...
We Fight To Win
Experienced Divorce and Family Law Attorneys Serving All of Utah
Month: August 2018
Does having a divorced friend lead to divorce?
It is common for couples to have marital problems. In some cases, parties choose to suffer through those issues without taking action because they believe that it is what they have to do. However, when friends start going through divorce, Utah residents may start...
DUI charge results from fatal Utah crash
When a car accident results in a fatality, the driver could end up facing multiple charges. If authorities suspect that alcohol played a role, charges for DUI could result, and the fact that a fatality occurred could also lead to more serious charges being filed...
Kids need parents’ support, not vice versa, during divorce
Ending a marriage is an understandably emotional time for those going through the process. However, individuals -- parents in particular -- need to remain conscious of where they seek support and who they choose to lean on in times of distress. Some Utah parents may...
Does divorce have to ruin your credit?
The simple answer to this question is no, it does not. There is almost always some impact to each party's credit, but it does not have to be such that your credit is in ruins.In order to make that happen, you will need to take care of some...