Most of us have our own individual fears. Whether they are unreasonable or completely justified makes really no difference the fear is still there. Fear is fear, and it can have an extreme impact on the way we live our lives. I have done a lot of traveling in my...
We Fight To Win
Experienced Divorce and Family Law Attorneys Serving All of Utah
Month: January 2012
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Utah Hit & Run Laws
The first thing to do after any accident is to see if anyone is hurt or needs medical attention. After any medical issues have been addressed, you can deal with the accident report and insurance claim.What information can you gather at the scene of the car accident?Do...
Vehicle’s Emergency Kits
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) driving a vehicle is probably the most dangerous mode of transportation. Especially when you consider that in 2007, approximately 6.2 million motor vehicle crashes and over 41,000 traffic...