"It's helpful to get married, if you want to get divorced." On the surface, this sentence seems obvious -- after all, you cannot get divorced in Utah unless you are married first. But the man who said this meant that cohabitation, or two unmarried adults living as a...
We Fight To Win
Experienced Divorce and Family Law Attorneys Serving All of Utah
Month: March 2013
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Former Utah mayor charged with DUI
The former mayor of a Utah town who resigned in February after being arrested on suspicion of drinking and driving that month was formally charged with DUI on March 5. The case is an example of how a DUI arrest can impact a person's career even before the charges are...
Should ‘blame’ for divorce affect alimony in Utah?
Like virtually every other state, Utah has no-fault divorce. This means that, unlike in decades past, a couple can get a divorce without one spouse having to prove that the other "caused" the problems that led to end of the marriage. Similarly, when one spouse...