People of any age can find themselves in an unhappy marriage, even those who have been married for many years or even decades. In fact, divorces of those over age 50 have increased so greatly that a phrase has been coined for them -- “gray divorce.” Gray divorcees...
We Fight To Win
Experienced Divorce and Family Law Attorneys Serving All of Utah
Month: January 2022
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Can I mediate my high-conflict divorce?
Some divorces are messy. Both parties may have animosity and hurt feelings that any form of cooperation may seem unachievable. However, mediating a high-conflict divorce may be an option for couples willing to work together collaboratively. What is mediation?...
Accounting for hidden assets in a divorce
When a couple decides to divorce, each spouse is expected to provide an accounting of their assets. Using this accounting, the court will divide those assets equitably. Unfortunately, sometimes spouses may overlook certain assets and benefits, thus neglecting to...