Ending a marriage can do a real number on your finances. In some cases, one spouse may require alimony to help keep him or her on stable financial ground. Maintenance in Utah is usually only a temporary thing, and any initial orders granted are pretty firm. However,...
We Fight To Win
Experienced Divorce and Family Law Attorneys Serving All of Utah
Month: November 2019
Cooperation can go a long way during divorce
It can take a lot of time and thought to decide that ending a marriage is for the best. Some people may come to this realization after yet another fight with a spouse, and others may come to it more gradually as they realize they are simply no longer happy in the...
Child custody challenges can be overcome even at a distance
Having to be away from their kids can be difficult for any Utah parent. Distance can happen for many reasons, and divorce is a common one. Some parents may end up moving away after ending a marriage, and as a result, there is a considerable distance between one parent...
Child support can be a double-edged sword for paying parents
After Utah parents get divorced, it is common for there to be a change in financial responsibilities. In many cases, one parent will have to pay child support to the other in order to meet the needs of the children. Though a court order typically details the terms of...
Looking into the future is good for divorce prep
When a marriage is no longer working, many people in Utah and across the country choose to end the relationship. It can sometimes be a struggle to make this decision, and going through the divorce process is typically not a walk in the park either. However, with...