If you face drug charges, it is extremely important that you work with experienced criminal defense attorneys.A recent report by the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (http://www.samhsa.gov/) shows a significant increase in drug use among...
We Fight To Win
Experienced Divorce and Family Law Attorneys Serving All of Utah
Month: September 2011
A Personal Injury Lawyer Can Make a Huge Difference
Far too often, personal injury victims assume that they can forgo legal representation when filing claims. While this may seem like a smart idea, the reality is that the majority of people do not have the legal training or knowledge it takes to successfully litigate...
UHP says they will be out!
Law enforcement agencies across the state are reporting an increase in arrests of people suspected of DUI. Troopers with the Utah Highway Patrol say they've also seen an increase in the number of people driving under the influence of drugs. If you have been...
Metabolite DUI
We firmly believe that the law governing metabolite DUI charges is fundamentally wrong. We have the common sense to know that taking a prescription drug like Soma or Vicodin at some time prior to getting behind the wheel does not necessarily mean that you are...
How do I know if Bankruptcy is a Good Idea for Me?
Sometimes I get asked, "How can I know if it is a good idea to file for bankruptcy? The first thing I tell them is that bankruptcy isn't for everyone, but there are some circumstances where bankruptcy does make sense. I've known people who have chosen to file...
Is There Life After bankruptcy
People contact me from time to time and say that they've explored the matter and think bankruptcy would be in their best interest, but they are concerned with how filing for bankruptcy will affect their ability to get new loans in the years to come. My response is to...
If I File Bankruptcy will I loose my Property?
People oftentimes wonder what will happen to their property if they file for bankruptcy. They want to know, "Will I lose everything?" What will happen to my wedding ring, my house and my car? You'll be pleased to know that, depending upon your circumstances, a...