As most people know, having children can change a person's life in many ways. Some Utah parents may choose to leave their jobs indefinitely in order to care for the children while the other parent earns the household income. This type of arrangement may work out well...
We Fight To Win
Experienced Divorce and Family Law Attorneys Serving All of Utah
Month: April 2019
What does the court consider when awarding alimony?
Getting a divorce can turn anyone's life upside down. Because each person is different, each individual has different priorities when it comes to reaching the best terms in a divorce settlement. Of course, most Utah residents likely have concerns over how ending their...
Concerns over co-parenting and child custody arrangements
As parents, many Utah residents often wonder whether they are making the right choices for their kids. This concern could feel particularly prevalent when deciding to divorce and, later, making child custody arrangements. No parent wants to feel as if he or she has...
Your divorce and your inheritance: Who gets what?
When you think about divorce, one of your main concerns probably relates to what will happen to your marital property. Fears and confusion over property division can make a divorce much more complicated that it has to be, and it can be smart to take the time to learn...
Is assuming a mortgage loan wise after asset division?
Many Utah residents grow attached to their houses for various reasons. As a result, it can be difficult to let go of that property during the asset division that occurs as part of a divorce. Depending on who wants to keep the home and other factors, parties may be...