After an alleged domestic confrontation, a Utah man drove away from the situation. Allegedly, he sped up to nearly 60 mph as he approached an intersection. Police say that when he sped through the intersection against a red light, he hit another vehicle, which began a...
We Fight To Win
Experienced Divorce and Family Law Attorneys Serving All of Utah
Month: December 2014
Prenups are insurance policies against a contentious divorce
Admittedly, prenuptial agreements are not typically considered romantic. However, they do serve a practical purpose in a time when divorce rates are high and people are getting married later in life. Taking the time to give each other peace of mind that, if something...
Woman accused of DUI petitions court for license reinstatement
On Oct. 13, a woman school bus driver was allegedly driving under the influence while transporting students and parents acting as chaperons on a field trip ("DUI suspected by school bus driver in Utah," Oct. 20, 2014). She was accused of DUI, and her driver's license...
Get a clear financial picture before negotiating in a divorce
Other than custody of a couple's children, finances are often the most important aspect of any Utah divorce. The division of a couple's assets and debts takes up a significant amount of time in a divorce. This is usually because both parties are attempting to ensure...
Utah man faces charges for driving under the influence of alcohol
The Salt Lake City Justice Court will reportedly consider the case of a 76-year-old man who drove onto the Legacy Bridge and crashed his car. He is facing charges of driving under the influence of alcohol in connection with the incident. The man, who the...