The ways in which people deal with certain matters in life are different for everyone. Even if Utah residents are going through similar ordeals, such as divorce, the emotional impacts and other effects of the process are not the same for everyone. As a result, it can...
We Fight To Win
Experienced Divorce and Family Law Attorneys Serving All of Utah
Month: March 2020
Worried about protecting your financial interests in divorce?
If you're among other Utah residents who recently filed for divorce, you're no doubt working hard to lay the groundwork for a new future. If you have children, their well-being is likely at the top of your list of priorities. You and your ex can hopefully agree to...
The right information is vital during divorce preparations
When a major life change takes place, it can be difficult to know the best way to handle it. For example, Utah residents going through divorce may not know how to prepare for the impacts the change could have. Fortunately, there are many preparation options that...
Is living together during divorce possible?
When relationships go downhill, it can be difficult for married couples to be around each other. However, even after making the decision to divorce, some individuals may still have to share a home until other arrangements can be made. This can seem stressful, so Utah...
Is child custody easier when only one parent makes decisions?
When parents divorce, the issue of custody can play a major part in the process. Some Utah parents may think that seeking sole physical custody would be best for their child custody arrangements, and in many cases with this outcome, both parents often maintain legal...
It is not easy to know how long divorce will take
When ending a marriage, having more than a little patience is often required. After all, the legal process associated with divorce can have many hoops to jump through, and Utah residents going through these proceedings often have to wait on paperwork to be processed...