While some divorces are long and drawn out with upset parties on both sides, there are other circumstances where the spouses agree to the divorce. This is called an uncontested divorce. One spouse will still need to file for divorce, but the process tends to be much...
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Experienced Divorce and Family Law Attorneys Serving All of Utah
Month: December 2021
What happens if a parent quits a job to avoid child support?
Emotions can run very high during divorces, and spouses can become very upset with each other. These tensions can govern many of the decisions made during the divorce. This includes the decisions they make regarding their children. During a divorce, parents need to...
What does Utah law say about resolving parent-time disputes?
When there is a divorce in Utah, child custody and parent-time can be common sources of discord. This is true whether the couple is at odds over every issue in the case, if they are on reasonably good terms, and anywhere in between. There are fundamental aspects of...
Does adultery impact divorce?
Many couples deal with infidelity and other forms of betrayal within their marriages. Some of these couples find that they cannot work through their issues and decide to file for divorce. Utah is a state that allows for fault-based divorce. Therefore, one spouse can...
Pursuing grandparent visitation in Utah
Grandparents can have a significant, positive influence in the lives of their grandchildren. In some situations, grandparents in Utah may want to formally pursue visitation rights through the court system. Generally, parents have a right to exercise full...
Know your parent-time options during the holiday season
Although many courts view joint custody arrangements as the most beneficial for a child, they can certainly raise some challenges. This is perhaps highlighted best during the holidays, as parents may bicker over who will get to spend time with the child. Disagreements...
Using an appraiser in a high-asset Utah divorce
For many divorcing couples, the house is their most valuable asset. Under Utah law, all assets must be divided between the spouses equitably. Therefore, determining the family home's value – especially in marriages of lengthy duration – is vital to ensure a fair...
Advantages and disadvantages of uncontested divorce
Although there are divorces where couples have heated disagreements and it is difficult to communicate, there are situations where the parties have agreed on all or most issues that must be decided in the divorce. This is called an uncontested divorce, and there can...
Understanding Parenting Plans in Utah
When parents are separated, a Parenting Plan can help them think about how they will make decisions for their children. In Utah, the parents must file a parenting plan with the court whenever joint custody is awarded. It must include the methods the parents will use...
Alimony modification requests and the paying spouse’s options
In Utah family law, alimony is a frequent topic for dispute. Alimony is often viewed from the perspective of the former spouse who is receiving these payments. However, the paying spouse can also face complications and challenges. This is true for everyone – even...