Outside help is often needed when Utah residents are ending their marriages. There are many emotional, personal and financial aspects to consider during divorce that individuals may not be able to contend with on their own. However, it may be important to keep in mind...
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Experienced Divorce and Family Law Attorneys Serving All of Utah
Month: July 2018
Utah woman charged with DUI after accident
The decisions people make can sometimes land in them in troubling spots. For some, the choices they make can result in their facing criminal charges for DUI. While their actions that lead to the arrest may not have been best, they can work to make better choices...
Utah man facing DUI charge as a repeat offender after crash
Repeat drunk driving offenses can lead to an increase in punishment if an individual is convicted of charges. If a person does have multiple DUI arrests on his or her record, it may signal that the person has an alcohol abuse problem and needs help....
How is child support calculated in Utah?
When getting ready to initiate divorce proceedings, it is normal to have a lot of questions about what post-divorce life will look like for you and your children. Will you come out on top financially? Will you have the funds you need to pay child support or, on the...
Does an expensive engagement ring signal divorce?
When individuals find the person they believe will be the love of their life, they often want to shout it to the world. As a result, many Utah residents may end up having lavish weddings as a way to show their love. However, the results of a recent study that looked...
Lack of child support payments can lead to legal consequences
Having financial difficulties does not make a person a bad parent. However, not having a stable financial situation can make it hard for individuals to provide for their children and themselves. When a parent owes child support, he or she may think it best to simply...