Some Utah residents may have heard that refusing to take a breath test when suspected of driving under the influence makes it more difficult for prosecutors to prove impairment. That may be true, but it also may not stop you from facing a DUI charge. Further, there...
We Fight To Win
Experienced Divorce and Family Law Attorneys Serving All of Utah
Month: August 2014
What happens after a Utah divorce is filed?
Even if a Utah resident knows that his or her marriage is ending, hearing that a spouse has filed for divorce can be disconcerting. Many people have no idea what to expect, and how each party reacts is far from predictable. The divorce can be either amicable or...
Utah man arrested for DUI after police pursuit
Sometimes, Utah residents make poor choices and get into their vehicles after consuming alcohol. When that happens, it is possible that they could get into an accident or be pulled over by law enforcement officials. If an officer suspects the driver of being impaired,...
Father is being charged double for his child support
Many Utah fathers -- and mothers in some cases -- understand and embrace their duty to support their children after a divorce. Making child support payments is just part of what they do as good parents. This is how one out-of-state man feels about his obligation, but...
Driver charged with DUI and other misdemeanors in Utah crash
A Utah Highway Patrol officer conducting a stationary patrol on Interstate 15 was alerted to an accident not far from his location. When he arrived, he found a pickup truck had smashed into a sign on the highway. After speaking with the driver, the officer arrested...