When people hear that someone was accused of driving under the influence, many assume that the driver was impaired by alcohol. However, a Utah resident can be charged with metabolite DUI. This means that police suspect the individual of being impaired by a substance...
We Fight To Win
Experienced Divorce and Family Law Attorneys Serving All of Utah
Month: August 2015
Pets are now routinely part of many divorce proceedings
Only in recent years have pets entered into the divorce scene. Court battles over who will get custody of the family pet are becoming routine around the country and here in Utah. One statistic indicates that approximately 10 percent of divorce proceedings become...
Utah man in motorcycle accident may be charged with DUI
At approximately 2:30 a.m. on a recent Saturday morning, a 20-year-old Utah man was involved in a motorcycle accident. He was taken to the hospital for treatment of the injuries he suffered in the crash. Police suspect the man was impaired and arrested him for...
Despite a divorce, parents will always be bound to each other
Once a Utah couple becomes parents, they will always be bound to each other despite the state of their personal relationship. The divorce is about ending the marriage, not about ending the parental connection. This means that the despite their feelings for each other,...