Once a Utah couple becomes parents, they will always be bound to each other despite the state of their personal relationship. The divorce is about ending the marriage, not about ending the parental connection. This means that the despite their feelings for each other, the parents need to find a way to continue to raise their children together.
Most Utah parents acknowledge that the children should not have to suffer because of the divorce. Of course, changes are inevitable, but the parents can work together to minimize the impact the changes will have on their children. Making the decision to co-parent may seem like a pipe dream at first, but over time, everyone may benefit from it.
The parties do not have to be friends in order to encourage each other as parents. Working toward a parenting plan that allows each parent a substantial amount of quality time with the children is possible. Any child custody agreement can include provisions regarding how the parties will conduct themselves when together or talking about each other to the children. The children should feel that they could talk about the other parent without it being upsetting. Over time, each party may be glad to know that the children are happy and well cared for while they are with the other parent.
Many people get through the process by putting their children’s needs ahead of their own, and it may also help to see the other parent as the children do. It can be a challenge to separate how each party feels about the other as a spouse versus as a parent. Learning this distinction during the divorce process can result in a parenting plan that will benefit everyone — especially the children.
Source: The Huffington Post, “10 Common Mistakes People Make In Divorce (And How To Avoid Them)“, Brittany Wong, July 29, 2015