You and your spouse may have spent years together as business partners cultivating a lucrative and rewarding enterprise. However, your marriage may not have been as successful as your business, and you may find yourself seeking a divorce. When a married couple in Utah...
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Experienced Divorce and Family Law Attorneys Serving All of Utah
Month: December 2020
How to keep separate property separate in a divorce
Throughout people’s lives in Utah, they may acquire a number of assets. They may also start various bank accounts, retirement accounts, investment accounts and other assets which may start out with little value, but grow over time. They also may acquire these assets...
Modifying child support
Utah courts require parents to go through a fairly complicated process to find out how much they owe in child support. After going through this process, it's understandable that a parent would not want to do it again. However, a lot can change after a child support...
Mediation is not always the best way to divorce
Spouses in Utah quickly learn that divorce is inherently adversarial, especially when one spouse feels wronged by the other. Nevertheless, even contentious divorces can make positive progress through alternative dispute resolution methods such as mediation. In...
Is it worth it to ‘stay together for the kids’?
Children of different ages will react to a parent’s divorce differently. Parents in Utah may worry about how their child will handle a divorce, and they may even try to “stay together for the kids” to keep the family unit intact, even at the expense of their own...
What does imputed income for child support mean in Utah?
Child support is a critical issue in a Utah family law case and people who are concerned as to the amount that will be ordered might get confused over certain terms. For those who have a job, income is easy to understand and the court will make its determinations...