One conviction for being impaired behind the wheel here in Utah comes with both short-term and long-term penalties. One of the long-term consequences of a DUI conviction is that, if you are arrested on a subsequent drunk driving charge, the offense is considered more...
We Fight To Win
Experienced Divorce and Family Law Attorneys Serving All of Utah
Month: February 2017
Utah woman arrested for DUI while sitting in parking lot
The Utah woman behind the wheel of a car told an officer that she was waiting for someone when he approached her vehicle. According to the officer, the vehicle was sitting in a convenience store parking lot when he drove by the first time. Since it was still there the...
Could Utah expand child custody laws to include the family pet?
At present, the state of Utah provides no protections for the family pet when it comes to domestic violence or divorce. When it comes to divorce, family pets are considered property, which means that judges make decisions regarding their fate in accordance with asset...
Getting the most out of asset division in a Utah divorce
Your marriage is ending, and now you and your spouse begin the task of dividing your property. Most Utah residents believe that asset division is supposed to be an equal split, but that is not always the case. The key is for the division to be equitable and fair,...