Kristopher K. Greenwood & Associates
Salt Lake City – Ogden
Kristopher K. Greenwood & Associates

Salt Lake City – Ogden

We Fight To Win

Experienced Divorce and Family Law Attorneys Serving All of Utah

Kids need parents’ support, not vice versa, during divorce

On Behalf of | Aug 9, 2018 | Divorce

Ending a marriage is an understandably emotional time for those going through the process. However, individuals — parents in particular — need to remain conscious of where they seek support and who they choose to lean on in times of distress. Some Utah parents may find themselves placing more importance on their relationships with their kids during divorce, but those kids should not be seen as pillars of support.

Though divorce may be best for some couples, it can still cause individuals to feel a sense of loneliness. As a result, some parents may find themselves telling their kids that they feel lonely when the kids are not around. Parents who do this may not necessarily see it as damaging, but it can actually cause children to feel as if it is up to them to keep parents from feeling unhappy, which can cause unnecessary stress.

Some parents may also feel upset when their children show their own upset over the divorce. Of course, rather than telling the children to go to their room or otherwise not express their emotions openly, parents may want to act as a support system for their kids and help them cope. Allowing kids to share these feelings may help strengthen the bond between parents during a difficult time.

Divorce is a situation that affects every member of the family. Parents may feel particularly overwhelmed when having to address the ending of their marriage and the custody decisions they need to make. Fortunately, the assistance of legal professionals can help Utah parents understand what options may best suit their particular needs.


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