When charged with a crime, exploring the various criminal defense strategies often proves useful. In some cases, individuals may choose to take advantage of offered plea deals, as they could allow them to reach agreeable outcomes to their cases that they may otherwise not have achieved. This option was recently utilized in a Utah case.
Reports indicated that the case began when a now-former evidence clerk was suspected of being under the influence of drugs while on the job. The woman allegedly stated that, while working as an evidence clerk, she had developed a methamphetamine addiction, which compelled her to purportedly steal drugs from the evidence room for approximately three years. The woman was first suspended from her job and then terminated.
The situation resulted in her facing 40 charges relating to possession or use of a controlled substance and destroying or altering public records. The woman and her attorney, Kristopher Greenwood, moved forward with accepting a plea deal that would involve her spending six months in jail and six months on work release. The report indicated that all parties involved in the case were satisfied with the plea agreement.
As this Utah case shows, plea deals can sometimes allow individuals to reach conclusions to their criminal cases that could work in their favor. Of course, parties accused of any type of criminal charge may want to ensure that they explore their available legal options to determine the best course of action for their unique predicaments. Discussing the possibility of plea agreements with their legal counsel may allow them to better understand this option and whether it could be available.