Every relationship is different and so is every person. Each Utah resident has a different mindset when it comes to marriage and ending a marriage and how to approach either. Some people may try to work through their marital problems as best as possible, and others may understand when its time to move on. In either case, older individuals could end up going through a gray divorce.
These days, when individuals 50 or older end their marriage, the process is known as gray divorce. In the last 25 years, the number of older couples choosing to divorce has tripled according to recent reports. Having longer lives, greater financial independence by both spouses, less stigma surrounding divorce and other factors are believed to have contributed to this increase in divorce among older couples.
Of course, ending a marriage after middle age differs when compared to divorce in younger couples. After all, parties over 50 have likely accumulated more assets, have more at risk when it comes to retirement and more significant financial risks overall. However, at this age, even if couples have children, they are likely adults themselves, so child custody is less of an issue.
Still, it is important to consider the individual details of a case, even during gray divorce. Some Utah residents going through this process may want to put a greater focus on property division, while others may feel that working toward a beneficial alimony outcome deserves more attention. Whatever the case, individuals may want to work with experienced attorneys who can assess each case and help craft personal approaches for working toward desired goals.