Kristopher K. Greenwood & Associates
Salt Lake City – Ogden
Kristopher K. Greenwood & Associates

Salt Lake City – Ogden

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Experienced Divorce and Family Law Attorneys Serving All of Utah

Problems with in-laws could contribute to divorce

On Behalf of | Jun 15, 2020 | Divorce

When people fall in love, they typically think about their futures with that one person. However, when it comes time to tie the knot, they may want to consider that they are not just marrying one person but also marrying into a new family. Unfortunately, problems with in-laws are not uncommon, and if certain issues go too far, they could contribute to divorce.

When dating their future spouse, many Utah residents do their best to overlook any issues brought up by his or her family and try to remain as polite as possible. However, if individuals ignore those issues for too long, they will likely continue even after the marriage. As a result, a person may find him or herself having to deal with overbearing in-laws who have an opinion on everything or who believe that everything their son or daughter-in-law does is wrong. Though standing up to one’s parents can be difficult, marital issues could arise if a son or daughter will not stand up for his or her spouse.

It is also possible that a person did not anticipate the type of relationship the spouse intended to have with his or her parents. A spouse may want to consult his or her parents before any decision or always want the parents along for vacations or important gatherings. While this may have seemed endearing while dating, constantly having in-laws around or having to wait for their input before making decisions can be draining.

To some, these issues may not seem significant enough to warrant considering divorce. However, if Utah residents feel that their spouse will not stick up for them or always sides with his or her parents, it can create a rift in the marital relationship. If in-law relationships do not change for the better, the problems created could lead to substantial marital problems.


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