Raising children is not always easy, and parents need to make many difficult decisions regarding a child’s upbringing. This is true whether the parents are married or divorced. However, how parents discuss the various issues changes when parents are divorced. When divorced parents have disagreements about the various aspects of their children’s lives, it can be more difficult to reach resolutions. After all, parents divorce for a reason, and they may not see eye to eye on every issue.
One issue that parents may disagree on is whether it is safe for their children to travel. One parent may feel that it is safe to travel to different locations, while the other parent does not. Despite this, the parent who has no issue with travel may want to go on vacation with their children and may be really looking forward to the trip. To help reduce the amount of conflict that this may cause, there are certain steps parents should take.
How to resolve disagreements about travel
Parents need to ensure both the safety of the location they are going to and the mode of travel to the destination. This will require planning and checking the local regulations.
Parents should also discuss their plans with the other parent as far in advance as possible. This will allow parents time to discuss the importance of the trip and their disagreements before the trip is finalized. Ultimately, if disagreements cannot be resolved, it is important to know what the custody order states to determine whether parents are allowed to take the trips according to the order.
There are various family events and vacations that parents may want their children to attend. Depending on the location and the mode of travel, the other parent may not believe it is safe to have the children travel to a particular destination.
Discussions must occur between the parents, and they may need to compromise on various issues to ensure the trip occurs. Experienced attorneys understand how to resolve disagreements that may arise and may guide one through the process. To speak with a family law attorney about custody and travel, please call Kristopher K. Greenwood & Associates at 801-475-8800.