Like many Utah residents, you might be under the impression that your license will be suspended once you are pulled over and arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence. Even if you are facing charges for DUI, you should not make that assumption. Instead, find out what your rights are regarding this administrative penalty because you might be able to keep you license if you act fast.
In this instance, “fast” means within 10 days from the issuance of the citation. In order to beat this deadline, you will need to enlist the help of an attorney as quickly as possible. If you do not file a request for a Driver License Division (DLD) hearing within that time, the suspension will more than likely be automatically imposed. If the time has already lapsed, there is an appeals process, but it would be better to get the request in on time.
Once a hearing is requested, you and your attorney can examine the available facts and begin building your defense. Prosecutors attend the hearings, and in many cases, so does the arresting officer who will be placed under oath. A transcript of the hearing can be obtained to use in court, if necessary, to point out any potential inconsistencies in the officer’s testimony.
Facing charges for DUI here in Utah does not have to mean that you will lose your license or that you will be convicted. You have rights regarding every step of the process. After working through the details regarding the traffic stop and your arrest, all of the options available to you will be explored.